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HyperSnap (formerly SnapShot/32) brings professional quality,
convenient Windows 95 and NT screen captures to your finger-tips.
It was designed for ease of use, with powerful and useful
features to aid the professional as well as support the needs of
the occasional user. Use it just a few times - you'll find it to
be indispensable.
HyperSnap (SnapShot/32) was selected by Siemens Nixdorf as a
standard software component distributed with their powerful
CELSIUS personal workstations! Read more about this in our help
Some of the more impressive features are listed here; this
is but a partial list. Current users will want to see the list
of new features in the Changes area at the end of this file.
The best way to get to know HyperSnap is to simply use it!
Save your image as a BMP, GIF, or JPEG file. GIFs can
optionally be interlaced and include transparent backgrounds,
and HyperSnap can create progressive JPEGs, perfect for
World Wide Web page use. Choose your color depth for BMP
captures, too.
Web and Help File Authors, don't miss what HyperSnap can
do for you!
-GIF images can be saved as interlaced files, with transparent
backgrounds, and three levels of color reduction.
-JPEGs have save options for a user-defined percentage of
output quality, and the "fade-in" format.
-The Quick Save feature is a lifesaver -- just keep on making
those captures, without interruption. HyperSnap saves them
each to an individual, sequentially named GIF or JPEG file,
in the custom format you choose, for your later use.
-Include the cursor image in your Web Page or Help File image
to better display your product shot or call attention to a
specific item.
-The Window capture feature makes my day. The feature captures
whole windows and sections of windows that are automatically
highlighted, even little buttons, without squinting at the
screen to make sure you get every pixel of the edge of a cap-
ture target. A definite eye-saver.
-The built-in Crop feature is great for making final edits to
your capture without transferring it to another program. And
thankfully, there's an Undo Crop feature to mitigate the
"oops!" factor.
WINDOW AREA not shown on screen! Perfect for capturing entire
WEB pages and printing them including background images!
Choose your own HotKeys that quickly capture the entire
Desktop, any Rectangle you outline, or the highlighted Window
or Client, and automatically repeat the capture every x seconds
or by using another HotKey.
Automatically save each of your captures to a file by default
-- you can even trigger new captures every x seconds and have
the filename incremented.
Print your capture direct from HyperSnap -- it will expand the
image to the size of the paper and margins that you set, and
even add a frame, reverse, or reduce the output to black and
Drag and Drop BMP, GIF, and JPEG files on HyperSnap to open
For complete information on all that HyperSnap brings to
you, open the help file (SNAP32.HLP) for a screen image
that provides an instant overview of its many features and
functions. Yes, HyperSnap's help file graphics were captured using
They said...
"I just tried out your screen capture program. Easy to
configure, easy to use. Very well done!!! Congratulations.
It's the best I've seen to date."
"Just downloaded and took a quick look, If Snapshot works as
well as I think it will, this will save me tons of time
documenting an Access app I'm working on. Definitely cool,
especially the ability to grab the client window with a
single keystroke! If it works OK on my NT machine (3.51
retail build), you can expect a registration check!!" (it
did, of course, and we got our check.)
"I've had no problems with capturing the PowerPoint cursors.
This is great, most of the other utilities that I've tried
haven't been able to do this."
"Like the product, great for anyone who needs to hammer home
their point with a screen print!"
"Finally a program I can use to capture screens on the Net!"
"I'm a telcommunications engineer for the Canadian
government. Your product was just what I was looking for
when creating manual for my users."
"Thanks Greg, Really cool, simple to use, come in handy
kinda program. I appreciate the quick response with
registration number."
"In all my years of Help File authoring I never did use
a dedicated screen capture program. SnapShot/32 (HyperSnap)
changed that --I use it all the time and it save me tons of
We're ready and waiting for your comments!
Install this program by running the self-extracting archive,
HySnap.exe (e.g. double click on its icon). You will be prompted
for the target folder, where HyperSnap files will be installed.
A HyperSnap group (menu) will be created in your Windows 95 Start
menu, together with an "Uninstall" icon that will completely
remove HyperSnap if necessary.
If the uninstall script file (UnHySnap.bat in your Windows
directory) was accidently deleted, you may still completely
uninstall HyperSnap by running:
snap32 -uninstall
and then deleting its files and directory manually. To recreate
HyperSnap menu under Windows 95 "Start" button you may run
again HySnap.exe, if you saved it, or just run:
snap32 -install
and enter the same directory where HyperSnap is already
Register your copy of HyperSnap by selecting "Register" under the
program's Help menu, or from within the help menu. This program
is a 'try before you buy' shareware program that relies on your
support for continued development, and single user registration
is only $20.00. When you register HyperSnap you will receive a
code that enables additional features and become eligible for
priority support. You will also be able to obtain free updates
of the program through our Web page (address below) with which
you can use your registration code, until the next major release.
To register copies of HyperSnap please use the "Register" program
usually provided with HyperSnap to make payments. We use KAGI
SHAREWARE registration service, which accepts different payment
methods, including credit card and invoices. If you live in US
or Canada you may also mail me your check or money order
directly, payable to "Greg Kochaniak".
Greg Kochaniak
3146 Chestnut Street
Murrysville, PA 15668, USA
e-mail: gregko@hyperionics.com
License cost:
Single licenses: $20 each
Site license: $500
(Site licenses cover a single organization for an area
of up to one hundred miles (160 km) in radius.)
World-wide license: $1500
HyperSnap may be also registered using CompuServe SWREG forum (GO
SWREG). The Registration Id. is 9878. The price for single
user license over CompuServe is $22 due to the 15% charge they
Distribution is permitted provided you follow these instructions:
You are free to make copies of the distribution archive
(HYSNPxxx.ZIP) and pass it along to others for their evaluation
provided that no modifications or additions are made to the
software, its documentation, or any associated files, and it is
not bundled in a distribution of any other software .
Support is available through the addresses listed above, whether
you are a registered user or not. Registered users receive
priority treatment, of course. E-mail will always receive the
quickest response.
____|__ | (R)
--| | |-------------------
| ____|__ | Association of
| | |_| Shareware
|__| o | Professionals
-----| | |---------------------
|___|___| MEMBER
Changes log:
As you can see, HyperSnap receives continual attention as we
listen to users' comments and suggestions to make it the best
screen capture utility for Windows 95 and NT possible. Your
input is always welcome.
Greg Kochaniak, Hyperionics
3146 Chestnut Street, Murrysville, PA 15668, USA
e-mail: gregko@hyperionics.com
ver. 2.78, released 1996.12.03
HyperSnap would sometimes in "Quick Save" mode display an
error and refuse to save pictures. Fixed.
ver. 2.77, released 1996.11.20
Added command line options that let HyperSnap work in batch
mode, without showing it's window at all, e.g. snap a portion
of the screen, save it to a file or print, and then exit
instantly. Please contact Hyperionics for more details.
Auto-scroll did not work for MSIE 3.01 in some cases (in
8 bit color mode if the page needed to change color palette),
ver. 2.76, released 1996.10.28
Fixed bug in Auto-Scroll: if Quick Save option was enabled
together with Auto-Scroll, and you did Window Capture, HyperSnap
would terminate with "Performed Illegal Operation" or a similar
nasty message. Even if it did not crash, the auto-saved bitmap
would not be the whole picture that was captured with scrolling,
but only what was visible on the screen at the start of the
capture. Now it auto-saves correctly even with auto-scroll on.
Added checks for available disk space when saving files.
ver. 2.75, released 1996.10.15
Fix for capture in window mode: if you have a menu opened, and
click on this menu, it would be executed in previous versions,
now it won't be.
Include Cursor option is now saved between HyperSnap sessions.
The cursor for Window capture mode is now regular arrow, not
cross. This should make "capture with cursor" more convinient,
if you want to capture arrow cursor and are using Window mode.
Additional option under Options menu: "Display Tray Icon Only".
If checked, HyperSnap will display only a tiny icon in the
system tray when iconized.
Added Association of Shareware Professionals(tm) logo, as I'm
now a member of ASP.
ver. 2.74, released 1996.09.24
Introduced a bug in ver. 2.73 that caused HyperSnap to read
and save setting to SNAP32.INI file instead of to the registry,
at least in some cases. Fixed.
ver. 2.73, released 1996.09.21
Added snap32.ini file with default settings for hot keys,
printing and capture options. On installation, all options
are read from this file and saved to the Registry. On other
runs, HyperSnap just reads options from the registry and
ignores snap32.ini (unless it runs on Windows 3.1, then it
will save and restore options from the .ini file). If you
want to read the ini file again, run it this way:
snap32 -readopts
This will read the options from snap32.ini and save them
to the registry again, overwriting what is currently there.
To dump your current registry setting to snap32.ini, run
HyperSnap this way:
snap32 -dumpopts
Digitally "signed" the HySnap.exe file that is distributed
on the Internet, using MS Authenticode(tm) Security
Technology and VeriSign Individual Software Publishers CA.
Look for Authenticode(tm) certificate when downloading
HySnap.exe with MS Internet Explorer or other browsers that
support this new security technology.
ver. 2.72 (not released publically)
Fixed auto-save with timed capture - it would use too much
of CPU time, now HyperSnap is put to "sleep" while waiting
for another time to capture.
ver. 2.71, 1996.09.12 (not releleased publically)
Fixed a rare bug where HyperSnap would display error
"Could not start DDE service" and refuse to run.
ver. 2.70, released 1996.07.19
Added Auto-Scroll option that allows scrolling and
simultaneous capture of entire window area not shown on
screen. Updated printing to span long bitmaps on several
pages. Modified keyboard cursor control in region capture
and crop mode: Ctrl-Arrow now moves the cursor to the
appropriate edge of the screen or cropped image.
Changed default hot keys binding to Ctrl+Shift+F for Full
Screen, Ctrl+Shift+W for Window and Ctrl+Shift+R for Region
ver. 2.66, released 1996.05.27
Fixed: installed and uninstaller did not work quite right
when HyperSnap path contained spaces.
Fixed: When viewing images with lots of colors (e.g. JPEG
files) on 256 color display would result in loss of color
if crop/undo crop were used.
Modified cut-off value for black and white only printing
which produces better results in that particular mode.
ver. 2.65, released 1996.05.09
Now distributing HyperSnap in a self-extracting ZIP file
(HySnap.exe), together with setup and uninstall utilites.
Unregistered version does not expire now, but rather puts
a small sign "Unregistered HyperSnap" into lower right
corner of each picture that is saved, printed or copied to
the clipboard.
Fixed the Quick Save code, so that more than 1 frame per
second may be saved on fast machines.
ver. 2.64, released 1996.05.01
Some fixes in "copy to clipboard" function, if color reduction
from 24 to 8 bits if necessary.
Modified the way "Region" capture works - previously the bottom
and right edge, highlighted with rubberbanded region, were not
captured. This makes the capture area one pixel bigger now, and
you don't have to go outside of right and bottom edge of some
object (by 1 pixel) to capture it whole. Also, previusly it was
not possible to capture right and bottom 1 pixel edge of the
screen in region mode, now it works.
ver. 2.63, released 1996.04.26
Fixed bug in JPEG and GIF save, that produced a thin line
on the right edge of saved images. Also selecting better
colors when reducing from true color to 256 color palette,
and the total number of colors used in the image is no more
than 256.
ver. 2.62, released 1996.04.16
Fixed: selecting multiple copies in print dialog would not
work - only one copy was printed.
ver. 2.61, released 1996.04.13
Fixed a bug in reading black and white JPEG files on Hi Color
or True Color displays (16 or 24 bit color mode) - they appeared
compressed to 1/4 of original width.
NEW to HyperSnap ver. 2.60, released 1996.03.28
(formerly SnapShot/32)
1. The Snapshot menu was changed to "Capture".
"Client" capture was eliminated and only "Window"
item exists. As you move the cursor around the screen in this
mode, you may observe different regions to be captured, as
they are high-lighted by a blinking frame. Window's client
area is captured by default, unless you go with the cursor to
the window border or title.
2. Added "Quick Print" with the check-mark
to the "Capture" menu. In addition I added there "Quick Save"
and "Quick Copy" as well as "Include Cursor Image" and
"Restore after Capture" options, also with check-marks.
As you click on Capture menu, you have at a glance all the
options, so you know what will happen.
3. Region capture was enhanced - it now draws a big
cross-hair for the first point selection, which allows more precise
selection of the region's start point. Also keyboard is now active
in Region mode:
- Arrow keys - move the cross hair or the corner of the region
by one pixel, for very precise selection. In addition, Ctrl-Arrow
moves the cursor by 20 pixels, and Shift-Arrow by 5 pixels, if
you need to move faster without going back to the mouse.
- Escape key will about the Region capture (same as right mouse
button click) and Enter key will finish it (accept the point), same
as left mouse button click.
- Insert or plus (+) key will toggle the mouse cursor on and off.
Sometimes the cursor obscures the corner of your capture,
where you may want to be very precise.
- If you are in the "Rectangle" mode (second step of the Region
command, when a rectangle is drawn on the screen, not the
cross-hair), you may press Tab or Insert keys to switch the
rectangle corner that you're dragging, e.g. from bottom right
to top left.
- A help window is displayed on the screen in this mode,
explaining the keys. This window is moved around as you
move the cursor, trying to leave the region of interes
4. The "Quick Save" (or Auto Save) option was enhanced to
save files in any supported format, not only in BMP. The way
it works is also modified. You may turn off the file incrementing,
so that each capture will overwrite the file with the same name
(requested by several users). Also if you don't turn the timed
auto captures on, the HyperSnap window will actually stay
visible (will not disappear like in ver. 2.55). You may still use
menu choices, in addition to hot keys, which previously was
not possible. If you do not enter any file name in Quick Save
dialog, you'll be prompted for a new file name each time you
do a capture.
5. Edit menu has "Copy Format" selection - to change the
kind of bitmap that is copied to the clipboard. E.g. your screen
may work in 65000+ color mode, but you want to paste into
some document 16 color bitmaps (often used by Windows
Help authors). You may set the format to be 16 color.
Previously they had to save the bitmap to a file to reduce
colors. Requested by several users.
6. Crop item added to Edit menu (to cut down the size of
your bitmap). Also requested by several users. Crop works
in the same way as Capture/Region, except that it's limited
to HyperSnap window. The same hot keys are active.
The position of the cursor, and size of the cropped area
are displayed in the title bar as you move your mouse
or move the pointer with arrow keys.
7. Added Undo Crop to Edit menu.
8. HyperSnap title bar now displays the size of the pixmap
in it's window. You may also press the left mouse button and
move the mouse over the picture to read coordinates or your
mouse pointer position. This feature may be useful when
creating simple image maps for the WEB.
9. Modified Page Setup dialog, adding different picture
scaling options.
ver. 2.55, released 1995.12.07
Margin settings for printing (and other printing parameters)
were read from the registry only after calling File/Print,
File/Print Setup... or File/Page Setup..., so if you used
auto-print without going through the File menu, margins
were always 0 and other page setup parameters had the
default values. Fixed.
ver. 2.54, released 1995.11.24
Fixed a crash when pictures are dragged and dropped on us
while picking up transparent background for GIF file.
Fixed crash in some JPEG read and GIF save operations.
ver. 2.53, released 1995.11.11
Fixed a bug (program crash) if auto-print mode was set and
a capture was canceled by right mouse button click.
ver. 2.52, released 1995.11.08
Removed restrictions from unregistered software - it will
now read GIF and JPEG files, and allow to set transparent
background in GIF. The only remaining restriction is
"snap with cursor image", which requires at least a temporary
license from me to test. I also made auto-print and bitmap
save options saved and restored from the registry between
runs. Also auto-save now uses bitmap options setting from
Save As... dialog for the format of bitmap it creates.
ver. 2.51, released 1995.10.31
Cosmetic changes: fixed focus for file dialogs - was not
set until you clicked on any control. Fixed tab order for
some dialogs and made 'A' a menu shortcut for Save As...
item on File menu.
ver. 2.50 Final release, 1995.10.25
Added JPEG read/write. Fixed GIF output to do dithering
when reducing colors to 256 from hi-color modes (this is
an option on File/Save As dialog). Changed Save dialogs
from having separate menu functions for BMP and GIF to
just one Save As... dialog. In capture window/client mode
added a blinking frame that shows what will be captured
as you move the mouse cursor around.
Other new features - drag and drop BMP, GIF or JPG file from
file manager or Win95 folder to SnapShot/32 window to open and
view it, or start Snap32 with a command line argument to open
that particular file.
Added "Snapshot Options..." item under "Options..." menu.
You can set there "Auto Print" and "Auto Copy" actions
that are taken right after a snapshot is done. The image
will be printed on the default printer and/or copied to
the Windows clipboard. You may also turn off the "Auto
Restore" feature and keep SnapShot/32 window minimized
(in Windows 95 taskbar) after each snapshot.
Added keyboard shortcut keys for Edit/Copy (Ctrl-C), Paste
(Ctrl-V) and Clear (Ctrl-X) functions. Also added "Options"
to Save in BMP format, that allows to select bitmap type (1,
4, 8 or 24 bits per pixel).
Fixed many bugs.
Ver. 2.44, released 1995.09.20
Fixed two small bugs: in Save GIF, if you did not type
the extension, it used to be BMP, not GIF. Also on the
same dialog the word "Transparent" was misspelled.
Ver. 2.43, released 1995.09.14
Added this really nice help file (if you are a developer,
ask me who wrote it!) and made links to it from SnapShot/32
Ver. 2.42, released 1995.09.09
Fixed some small problems in color palette when capturing
images from palette intensive applications. Also upgraded
Register to ver. 1.18.
Ver. 2.41, released 1995.08.25
Fixed a license number problem for long names (over 30
characters). Also moved registry entries for window
position, print setup and hot keys to HKEY_CURRENT_USER
tree, so that each user on a machine could have her/his own
settings saved.
Ver. 2.40, released 1995.08.23
Fixed the printing bug under Windows 95 (it would not print
at all), introduced since ver. 2.34.
Changed the way license numbers are generated. Until now the
numbers were based on the name of the machine, where the
program was running. Now they are based on the name of the
owner, so that people could use SnapShot/32 on several
machines. Still the "single user license" number must be
entered separately on each machine, but since it is tied to
the owner name, one can install it e.g. on her/his desktop
and laptop computer independently. The name of the owner
appears in the "Help/About" box. People who registered
earlier and have licenses based on machine names can upgrade
to a "single user license" at no cost by sending me an email
message or a letter containing their machine name and old
license number. The old licenses will still work.
Ver. 2.34, released 1995.07.30
Bug fix: SnapShot/32 saves its position and window size on
exit, and when restarted, its window is positioned as
before. This created problem when the saved position was
completely off-screen so the window was not visible. Fixed
by checking for any corner of SnapShot/32 window being off-
screen, and if so - repositioning the window to the center
of the screen. Also modified the message that appears if
SnapShot/32 can not register its hot keys, e.g. due to
another program (sometimes another copy of SnapShot/32)
using them. This message is less cryptic now, explains the
reason and suggests changing the keys with "Configure Hot
Keys" dialog under "Options" menu. Also fixed: "Enable hot
keys" check box in hot keys setup dialog was not doing
Ver. 2.33, released 1995.07.23
Added ability to read GIF files, but only in registered
version. You may read-in GIF file to view it, print it,
translate to BMP file or change the GIF file attributes like
interlaced mode and transparent background.
Ver. 2.32, released 1995.07.14
Working on a MAP file for a GIF image for one of my WEB
pages I needed to read coordinates of points on the bitmap.
Added the display of last mouse click coordinates to the
title of SnapShot/32 window.
Ver. 2.31, released 1995.07.12
There seems to be a bug in Win95 betas - when asking how
many colors the display supports ( GetDeviceCaps( dhdc,
BITSPIXEL ) call ) it says "2" even if it is in 16 color
mode. For this reason the bitmaps or GIFs saved in 16 color
mode were black and white only. Worked around this bug by
forcing 16 colors always if less colors are reported.
Ver. 2.30
Added hot key configuration dialog.Added "Repeat last
capture" function and hot-key. Added the "Auto capture and
save" feature - save pre-defined screen area to a file every
time the "Repeat last capture" hot key is pressed, or a
specified time elapses. Added "save with cursor image
included" option. Fixed a problem with hot-keys, which did
not operate under NT 3.5 if SnapShot/32 window was not in
Ver. 2.29
Made separate functions "Save BMP" and "Save GIF" under
"File" menu for easier access. Save GIF has now options to
set interlaced mode for GIF file (fade-in effect on WEB) and
to set transparent background attribute. The transparent
background is available only in registered version.Added
"Setup" button to "Print" dialog for easier access.
Ver. 2.28
(there was no 2.27 release) Fixed GIF save for graphics
cards with more than 256 colors.
Fixed BMP save - used to save always 256 color bitmaps, now
it is the same as the display color resolution.
Ver. 2.26:
Fixed problems with color printing. Removed printing and
clipboard copy restriction for non-registered version.
Ver. 2.25:
Changed registration info, added REGISTER application.
Ver. 2.24:
Changed hot keys to F12, since PrintScreen did not work on
Windows 95. Fixed printing on Windows 95.
Ver. 2.23:
Added hot-keys (PrintScreen with different Shift and Ctrl
combinations). Among other things they allow capture with
menus pulled down.
Ver. 2.22:
Fixed the capture problem on Windows 95, that caused parts
of SnapShot/32 windows be visible after selecting one of the
functions from Snapshot menu.
Ver. 2.21:
Fixed the problem that sometimes caused SnapShot/32 to hang
on startup.
Ver. 2.20:
Added ability to save captures in GIF format, importang e.g.
for people working on HTML (Web) documents. Worked around a
problem in NT 3.51 beta and Win95 where Print Setup dialog
crashed the program.